Hi Guys! This is Marie here. Just bumped into some critical information about Attieke that amazed me. Actually, you may not know all these 5 Amazing truths about attieke. So I decided to share my discoveries with all the attieke lovers looking for attieke in japan and visiting my post. Ready to test your knowledge?

Let’s first set the scene
-Cassava is an important staple food in many tropical countries with an annual World production estimated to 200 millions tones with the majority (about 99 million tones) produced in Africa.
– Several varieties exist but it is possible to group them into two large groups: sweet and bitter. It is the bitter variety that is used to make Attiéké.
Attiéké is presented in the form of steamed semolina of detached grains looking like couscous but tasting very differently.
– The word attiéké comes from the word “adjèkè” from the Ebrié language spoken in southern Côte d’Ivoire. The pronunciation of the word was distorted by the Bambara transporters into “atchèkè” and then by the French colonists into “attiéké”.
– In Ivory Coast, there are several types of Attiéké linked to the ethnic groups that produce them.
However, according to scientific research (ASSANVO et al., 2000), the Adjoukrou’s Attiéké is from far the most popular.

There are three types of Attiéké going from lower quality to premium in Ivory coast. Respectively, we have:
• Garba attiéké
As the name suggests, it is intended for consumption of garba, a popular Ivorian dish made with attiéké, accompanied by fried tuna with chopped peppers. The cassava used is often of lower quality because the fibers of the cassava are still present in this variant.
• Small grain attiéké
It is high quality Attiéké intended for trade and has smaller grains. This is the most common attieké.
This variety is available in most of markets.
• Agbodjama
It is a variety of attiéké whose grains are large in size. Made from a premium variety of cassava, it costs more than other varieties. Any idea on where you could get this premium quality attieke in japan? I got a big hint! Keep reading. 😉

1- Fascinating production process

To make Attiéké, cassava tubers are peeled and washed then a ferment produced from pieces of tubers kept for 2 to 3 days in a jute bag is added.
This is followed by the grinding stage. This step is preceded by the addition of red palm oil.
The fermentation of the dough follows the grinding stage and takes place for 12 hours. Then, the dough is drained and then wrung out.
The paste then undergoes sifting and then the semolina is made.
The semolina is then dried and winnowed. After which, we move onto the stage of steaming the semolina.
Finally, we have the packaging and preservation stages.

2- Shocking nutritionnal value

– Attiéké is mainly composed of carbohydrates and is therefore essentially energetic in nature.
– Consumed without any other source of nutritional intake could cause nutritional imbalance. But we are sure you don’t eat couscous without side dishes right?….Wait, do you?!
– Attiéké is very digestible, energetic and contains vitamins and minerals. It is made up of over 95% carbohydrates, is low in fat (around 2%) and nearly 0% protein. It also contains important amino acids, including phenylalanine, methionine, and tryptophan. Attiéké is also rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B3 and C and is gluten free. The fibers and starch present in cassava are beneficial for the digestive system and make it a good ally for people suffering from ulcers, heartburn or inflammation of the colon.
In Côte d’Ivoire, it is generally considered to be a soporific and satiating product, thanks to its high starch content. So dear insomniacs, get high on Attiéké before bedtime ok?
From a therapeutic standpoint, bitter cassava roots are traditionally used to fight dysentery, while the leaves are an excellent natural pain reliever. The chopped fresh root is associated with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and diuretic properties. From a nutritional point of view, its caloric value is quite low, at around 350 kCal per 100 g. This is why, in a balanced plate, a portion of 30 g of attiéké is sufficient!
Consumed with moderation, Attiéké will not make you fat and can even become a real slimming ally, since it is extremely satiating. Once consumed, the starch gains in volume in the stomach, which promotes the feeling of satiety over time.

3- Authentic ways to eat Attiéké

Attiéké is eaten in different ways. The most common way is to accompany it with grilled, braised, fried fish, meat, poultry, shellfish, etc…
In Ivory Coast however, you will be finding people enjoying Attiéké with eggplant or vegetable stews although most of the time, it goes with spicy soups. Do not hesitate to replace couscous, rice or fufu with Attiéké.
Finally, other possible side dishes can be either fried plantain commonly called ”Alloco” in Ivorian jargon or avocado. Try it then let us know your thoughts!

4- Best ways to protect and store Attiéké

How to store attieke in japan

As fresh products can easily be damaged, it is difficult to keep the flavour and the quality after one to three days.
Research and experimentation have found different ways to keep Attiéké over 3 years. One of the following could help you store your attieke in japan.

The first possibility is to keep your fresh Attiéké in a plastic bag in a fridge. The process essentially slows down very significantly the lost of quality happening with time but mold may start to show up after a few months. So generally, the fridge can be the way to go because it is cheaper and readily available if you intend to eat your Attiéké within a year after production.

The second possibility consists in dehydrating Attiéké. This process has been researched and perfected by an Ivorian research company by the name of Société Ivoirienne de technologie Tropicale (I2T). Simply put, It consists in lowering the humidity level in the product.
As heavy machinery is required for the dehydratation process, it is not accessible to households.

Another possibility is drying Attiéké. This technique requires the use of facilities specialy prepared for such task. It mainly consists in using heat to completely dry Attiéké and freeze it in time. This technique may help store Attiéké for more than 3 years and keep the original taste. The process is used by businesses too.

The last and the most efficient method to date is the vacuum method. It consists in absorbing all the air contained in each pack of fresh Attiéké. The vacuum pack is highly hermetic, strong enough to ensure safety for its content and most importantly, keeps the natural taste and flavor of the original product. The maximum storage time in a fridge is over 2 years so this method is advantageous for people interested in the natural taste of Attiéké but living abroad. Looking for attieke in japan?
This is one of the products Attiéké Express Japan is bringing to your table.

5- It’s here! Goosebumps! Ready, set, EAT!

What if we tell you that you just got 1kg of Attiéké as a gift. FREE, NO CHARGES, NO OBLIGATION, NOT EVEN TRANSPORTATION FEES. Why ?
Simple, it is a win-win situation. You test our Attiéké in japan without pressure and free of charge and we prove to you that we have the best taste and the highest quality of Attiéké in Japan made in Cote d’Ivoire. Fair right?
All you need to do is fill in a form with your name and email address so we know you are interested.
Nothing more. We will contact you, in up to 24h, to know where we need to ship your 1kg of premium quality Attiéké.

PS: This proposition is available in the limit of the 50 Free packs of our Attieke in japan. This offer will not be available after all the free products have been sent. So if you can see this advertisement, there is a possibility that you just got one of our 1kg packs of Attiéké FREE OF CHARGE. So quick, fill in the form so we can move on. Enjoy our delicious product!

Attieke Express provides the premium quality of the original recipe of Attiéké in japan from its place of birth, Cote d’Ivoire. Our product is made following the traditional Adjoukrou method of production for family consumption. Our vacuum packs ensure you get a product you can trust and enjoy anytime.

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